Why compliance should be involved in corporate due diligence

Compliance Tyler
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


Involving compliance in corporate due diligence is essential for a myriad of reasons, primarily to ensure the organization operates within legal and ethical boundaries, minimizes risks, and maximizes operational efficiency. Here are 30 reasons why compliance should be a key part of corporate due diligence:

  1. Legal Adherence: Ensures the company adheres to all relevant local, national, and international laws, reducing legal risk.
  2. Risk Management: Identifies potential legal and regulatory risks before transactions or partnerships are finalized.
  3. Reputation Management: Protects the company’s reputation by ensuring ethical practices are followed, avoiding scandals.
  4. Financial Integrity: Ensures financial transactions comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations.
  5. Operational Efficiency: Streamlines operations by ensuring that compliance processes are integrated and efficient.
  6. Investor Confidence: Boosts confidence among investors and stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to compliance and governance.
  7. Market Access: Facilitates easier access to new markets by ensuring compliance with local regulations.
  8. Competitive Advantage: Offers a competitive edge by showcasing the company’s commitment to high ethical and compliance standards.
  9. Anti-corruption: Helps in the detection and prevention of bribery and corruption, aligning with laws like the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act.
  10. Intellectual Property Protection: Ensures that due diligence processes respect and protect intellectual property rights, avoiding litigation.
  11. Data Protection Compliance: Guarantees that the company meets stringent data protection standards like GDPR, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  12. Environmental Compliance: Ensures adherence to environmental laws and regulations, which is crucial for companies with significant environmental footprints.
  13. Supply Chain Integrity: Assesses compliance risks in the supply chain, including labor practices and environmental impacts.
  14. Contract Compliance: Verifies that contracts and business agreements comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
  15. Ethical Sourcing: Ensures that sourcing and procurement practices meet ethical standards and regulations.
  16. Health and Safety: Ensures the company meets occupational health and safety regulations, protecting employees and avoiding liabilities.
  17. Insurance and Liability: Helps in understanding and complying with insurance requirements and managing potential liabilities.
  18. Tax Compliance: Ensures adherence to tax laws and regulations, avoiding penalties and fines.
  19. Sanctions Compliance: Avoids doing business with sanctioned individuals, entities, or countries, preventing legal and reputational damage.
  20. Insider Trading Prevention: Implements measures to prevent insider trading and market manipulation.
  21. Corporate Governance: Strengthens corporate governance by ensuring compliance with best practices and regulatory requirements.
  22. Consumer Protection: Ensures that the company’s practices align with consumer protection laws, enhancing customer trust.
  23. Employee Rights: Ensures compliance with labour laws and regulations, protecting employee rights and fostering a positive workplace.
  24. Due Diligence on Partners and Vendors: Assesses the compliance and ethical standards of partners, vendors, and other third parties.
  25. Mergers and Acquisitions: Ensures that M&A activities are conducted in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  26. Export Controls: Complies with export control laws and regulations, crucial for companies involved in international trade.
  27. Privacy Law Compliance: Ensures compliance with privacy laws, protecting customer and employee data.
  28. Regulatory Reporting: Ensures timely and accurate regulatory reporting, maintaining regulatory compliance.
  29. Cybersecurity Compliance: Ensures compliance with cybersecurity regulations and standards, protecting against cyber threats.
  30. Continuous Improvement: Promotes a culture of continuous improvement in compliance practices, adapting to new laws and standards.

Incorporating compliance into the due diligence process not only safeguards against legal and regulatory risks but also supports sustainable business growth by fostering a culture of integrity and accountability.

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes and represents my own personal views. It should not be construed as legal or regulatory advice. For advice specific to your circumstances, please consult a qualified professional. Additionally, the opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer.



Compliance Tyler

Tyler Woollard is a Compliance Professional. Tyler writes these compliance blogs to drive the compliance conversation tyler.woollard@theconductmind.com